All Stories

I've Uninstalled the Facebook Apps

I've uninstalled the Facebook app from my mobile devices. Here's why.

Using iTerm2's Alert on Next Mark for Long Running commands

I'd been using iTerm2 for some time, but I've just stumbled across the alerting feature and now use every time I deploy an ARM template for Azure.

Stop Skype for Business (on MacOS) from Playing a Login Sound

How I stopped Skype for Business, on my Mac, from playing that really annoying "whoosh" sounds when it starts up.

Google Developer Meetup

An evening of Tensorflow at the Google Developer Group, Reading, presented by Laurence Moroney. This post is my (short) write-up of this meetup.

README Driven Development

Write your README first and use it to design your code. This post contains my thoughts about README Driven Development, and how it can help define the features and functionality...

A Week Playing with Vue.js

A round-up of my week playing with Vue.js, building some basic websites.

Playing with axios (and Vue.js) - Part 2

A quick post related to axios and Vue.js (part 2)

Playing with axios - Part 1

A quick post related to axios, a javascript library for async http requests

I'm Loving Jupyter Notebooks

I've become a Jupyter Notebooks convert. Find out why.